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Complete Key for Schools Presentation Plus

Complete Key for Schools Presentation Plus
Ean: 9781107697942
Format: 19.0x13.5
Complete Key for Schools is official preparation for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools exam. Complete Key for Schools Presentation Plus allows you to present and interact directly with the Student's Book, Workbook and Class Audio at the front of the classroom. With Presentation Plus you can highlight, write and erase; hide and reveal text and images; zoom in and out; create notes and save annotations; attach your own web links; display answer keys; play all Class Audio and display the listening scripts; and connect to Cambridge Dictionaries Online via the internet. Presentation Plus can be used with all types of interactive whiteboards or with a computer and projector.
Wydawca: Cambridge University Press
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Księgarnia internetowa
ul.Kaliska 12
98-300 Wieluń
Godziny otwarcia:
pon-pt:  9.00-17.00
w soboty 9.00-13.00
Dane kontaktowe:
tel: 43 843 1991
fax: 68 380 1991
e-mail: info@booknet.net.pl


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