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Introduction to Modern Digital Holography

Introduction to Modern Digital Holography
Isbn: 9781107016705
Ean: 9781107016705
Liczba stron: 216
Format: 18.0x25.0cm
Get up to speed with digital holography with this concise and straightforward introduction to modern techniques and conventions. Building up from the basic principles of optics, this book describes key techniques in digital holography, such as phase-shifting holography, low-coherence holography, diffraction tomographic holography and optical scanning holography, discussing their practical applications, and accompanied by all the theory necessary to understand the underlying principles at work. A further chapter covers advanced techniques for producing computer-generated holograms. Extensive Matlab code is integrated with the text throughout and available for download online, illustrating both theoretical results and practical considerations such as aliasing, zero padding and sampling. Accompanied by end-of-chapter problems and an online solutions manual for instructors, this is an indispensable resource for students, researchers and engineers in the fields of optical image processing and digital holography.
Oprawa: twarda
Wydawca: Cambridge University Press
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