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Super Minds American English Level 3 Student's Book with DVD-ROM

Super Minds American English Level 3 Student's Book with DVD-ROM
Isbn: 9781107604247
Ean: 9781107604247
Liczba stron: 128
Format: 21.9x27.6cm
Super Minds American English is a seven-level course for young learners. Super Minds, from a highly experienced author team, enhances your students' thinking skills, improving their memory along with their language skills. This Level 3 Student's Book includes exercises to develop creativity, cross-curricular thinking with fascinating 'English for school' sections, and lively stories that explore social values. The fabulous DVD-ROM features animated stories, interactive games and activities including videokes, songs with karaoke versions, and fun activities focusing on each unit's vocabulary and grammar.
Oprawa: miękka
Wydawca: Cambridge University Press
Brak na magazynie
Dane kontaktowe
Księgarnia internetowa
ul.Kaliska 12
98-300 Wieluń
Godziny otwarcia:
pon-pt:  9.00-17.00
w soboty 9.00-13.00
Dane kontaktowe:
tel: 43 843 1991
fax: 68 380 1991
e-mail: info@booknet.net.pl


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