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Weird animals

Weird animals
Isbn: 9781107656642
Ean: 9781107656642
Liczba stron: 24
Format: 11.4x02.1cm
Penguins that exchange wedding rings? A fish that doesn't swim? Learn all about the bizarre and unexpected behavior of animals from around the world. Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. These 96 leveled (A1-B2+), highly engaging titles feature Discovery Education? videos that are fully integrated into the pedagogy of the readers. Choose from four formats: book plus access code for online content; online only; iOS app; and Android app. The online version of these readers comes complete with a learning management system - class creation, progress tracking, gradebook, and more - which frees teachers from the mundane task of homework correction, and gives students interactive practice anytime, anywhere.
Oprawa: miękka
Wydawca: Cambridge University Press
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